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Author Biography

Articles & Reviews

Longer Thoughts

poems by Theresa Rodriguez (Werba)

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With deep emotion, Longer Thoughts presents some of Rodriguez's long poems on a diversity of topics: love, beauty, mortality, aging, and theological questioning. She also explores symbolism and archetypal imagery. Rodriguez appreciates formal poetry as a conveyance for expression, and in addition to the sonnet, the reader will discover a villanelle, rondeau, and triolet.

POETRY / General

ISBN: 978-1-951651-22-0 (print; softcover; perfect bound)

Released March 2020

48 pages

Author Biography

Theresa Rodriguez is the author of six books, including Jesus and Eros: Sonnets, Poems and Songs (Bardsinger Books, 2015), and a chapbook of thirty-seven sonnets (Bardsinger Books, 2019). Longer Thoughts is her third book of poetry.

Rodriguez is a retired classical singer and voice teacher who holds a bachelor of arts in vocal music performance from Skidmore College and a master of music with distinction in voice pedagogy and performance from Westminster Choir College. She is a member of the National Association of Teachers of Singing. She has been a contributing writer for Classical Singer magazine on a myriad of topics of interest to classical singers. Rodriguez was also a therapeutic musician who provided musical services to institutionalized and senior citizen populations. She founded the Christian Poetry Fellowship of Bethel, Pennsylvania. She is a member of Berks Bards of Reading, Pennsylvania, and a contributing member of the Society of Classical Poets. She is also a new instructor at the Creative Light Factory of Spring City, Pennsylvania.

Her poems have appeared in such journals as the Journal of Religion and Intellectual Life, Leaf Magazine, The Road Not Taken: The Journal of Formal Poetry, Mezzo Cammin, and the Society of Classical Poets Journal.

Rodriguez is the joyful mother of six children and grandmother of six. A native Manhattanite, she lived among the Amish and Mennonites for twenty-five years in rural Pennsylvania but now makes her home outside of Philadelphia.



“While mastering classical poetry, Theresa Rodriguez expresses the deepest emotions: she reigns whether settings are in the past or present, leaving us in awe.”
—Carol Smallwood, interviewer, editor, literary judge; author of Patterns: Moments in Time (Word Poetry, 2019)

“In Longer Thoughts, Theresa Rodriguez has brandished courage of both craft and compassion. Readers who appreciate poetry as crystallizations of conscience will delight in this collection's slate of sonnets as well as a rondeau, a triolet, and a villanelle. Among her elegies, the ode to Quasimodo struck me particularly, elevating Victor Hugo's fictional creation to the firmament alongside the saints and martyrs of her other verses. Juggling themes of love, God, pain, beauty, mortality, and creativity itself, the music in these musings bridges the sacred, the sacrosanct, and the secular, sometimes in a single stanza. These longer thoughts betray the soulful ministrations of a "priestess warrior of words"—and what vehicle for this could be better than a new collection from Shanti Arts?”
— James B. Nicola, Out of Nothing: Poems of Art and Artists (Shanti Arts, 2018)

“Theresa Rodriguez's Longer Thoughts is an insightful dive into the poet's longings for introspection, the right words, and peace. Rodriguez has a clear appreciation for formal poetry, the boundaries within which she is unafraid to play. While some poems are a pure delight, others are deep and provocative.”
—Katy Comber, Co-Founder of Creative Light Factory Writers' Room; Editor and Host of Affinity CoLab Presents

Articles and Reviews

Reviews on Amazon

A Fevers of the Mind Quick-9 Interview with Theresa Werba, Fevers of the Mind, March 10, 2022

Lynette G. Esposito, “Longer Thoughts by Theresa Rodriguez,” North of Oxford, January 2021

James Sale, “Review: Poetry by Theresa Rodriguez,” The Society of Classical Poets, November 26, 2019

Poet Carol Smallwood Interviews Theresa Rodriquez,” Carolyn Howard-Johnson's New Book Review, April 18, 2020


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